Sitting can be such a pain ~

and not just a pain in the "you-know-what!"


Maybe your neck is sore or your shoulders feel like they're on fire.
Maybe your back hurts like crazy or you feel an ache deep inside your hips.

I don't have to tell you

how exhausting it can be trying to cope

with constantly recurring stiffness and pain.

 Especially when you've already tried
So. Many. Things.

💰  Many dollars spent on ergonomic furniture and equipment.

💪  Exercises to strengthen muscles you were told would hold you up.

🧘🏽‍♂️  Stretching tight muscles that become tight again in no time.

🧓🏼  Seeking help from your doctor, massage therapist, chiropractor . . .


Do you find yourself swinging back and forth
—first catching yourself slouching, and then pulling yourself up with a boatload of tension until you collapse again—
only to repeat this cycle over and over?

 There's gotta be a better way . . . and

YES! There is!

 SITTING PRETTY is a video mini-course

that guides you through a step-by-step process

that re-aligns your bone-deep framework of support

(a.k.a. your personal skeleton!)

and builds your upright self—literally—from the "bottom" up

(the same way a building is constructed).

Sign me up!

 Once upon a time, sitting upright
was supremely easy —


before circumstances of modern living caused you

to forget your innate human alignment. 

Babies with good posture


Great News!

Sitting comfortably and solidly upright


you may have forgotten you have.

Yet your body still remembers how it's done!


Nothing is more empowering than

being in charge of how you feel because . . . 

You know what to do! 



  Humans are like all other architectural structures.

We're governed by the same laws of physics that apply to everything else . . .


except that we walk and talk and are fully alive!




is why other approaches to improving posture are rarely effective in the long-run.

If they do work, it's because they have successfully aligned our bones,

whether this was intended or not.


Truly good posture is about your bones doing the job they are meant to do—




is the one posture solution that lasts a lifetime —

 it's always bone deep!


Before we dive into the details of the course

let me tell you 

WHO Sitting Pretty™ is FOR.

 Sitting Pretty is for YOU

 if you struggle to know how to sit comfortably and often feel stiff or sore from sitting.

It helps to understand it's not sitting, in and of itself, but HOW we sit that's the root of so many pain problems. 

Knowing how to sit naturally is the first step in learning how to stand, walk, bend, lift, carry, run, jump—even rest—with ease.

 Sitting Pretty™ is for


if you're not getting any younger and you've begun to worry about your slowly collapsing posture as you age.

You wonder if you're doomed to keep shrinking (and rounding) with each passing year. (HINT:  You're not! : )

The GOOD NEWS is it's never too late to learn how to sit well and begin reaping the benefits of building upon unfolding improvements. 

 Sitting Pretty™ is for YOU

if you're a health professional or a teacher (classroom, fitness, sports, yoga etc.), who is dedicated to helping others.

Some of your patients or clients struggle to find lasting relief, and you're at a loss to know how to help them. Learning to sit upright with ease can inspire others' journey of healing and self-empowerment.

I'm ready! Sign me up!

Hello! I'm Kathleen Porter

True story . . . Thirty-one years ago, at age 47, I was living a double life.

Publicly, as a yoga teacher and massage therapist, I sincerely strived to help others find greater ease in their bodies.

Privately, I was waging a battle with my own recurring stiffness and pain.

The irony in this was hard to accept—I felt like a hypocrite.

Then came a life-changing breakthrough: I was fortunate to learn how to align my skeleton like healthy babies and toddlers do when discovering how to sit up and stand. 

This revelation changed everything. My life has never been the same!

I began to focus solely on inhabiting my body like a toddler: I sat like a toddler. I bent over to pick something up like a toddler. I squatted and “toddled” about, mimicking the basic movements of all healthy, well-developing toddlers.


Doing this remapped how my body functioned.

I now relied on the support of my bones

— the way toddlers do  

in order to:
1) provide structural support, and

  2) distribute forces of gravity.


(And, yes, muscles definitely play a role, along with tendons, ligaments, and fascia in stabilizing the skeleton, but, remember: the primary job of your skeletal muscles is to move your bones, not hold you up. The exception to this is the infamous "core," which you'll learn more about inside the Sitting Pretty mini-course  : )

A naturally positioned pelvis is the foundation for an elongated and supple spine, setting the stage, literally, for the body's innate skeletal alignment.

Natural skeletal alignment is the

Magical Secret Sauce

for living pain-free

with inherent flexibility,

 solid mechanical strength,

and enduring vitality.

Who knew, right? 

Hardly anyone, as it turns out.  

For myself and many fortunate others, 

the results of learning this have been astounding!


My longstanding pain and discomfort disappeared rapidly and I immediately felt enlivened and more energetic. Surprisingly, over time, my flexibility increased dramatically, even though I had stopped stretching altogether. 

Yes, you read that right. I no longer needed to stretch to maintain flexibility because, with my muscles now attached to aligned bones, flexibility became my natural state.


Of course, being sedentary is never a healthy option.

Movement is key to maintaining good overall health. When we move according to our design, we reinforce natural movements and ensure that we will continue to move like healthy toddlers, even as we age.

Inspired to understand more about this, I traveled to places where it's not difficult to find many older people who remain physically active in , observing and meeting people who had moved into old age without ever losing this innate alignment. 

I met many older people, including those pictured above, who lived their whole lives inhabiting their bodies like toddlers.

Sadly, in technologically advanced places, we've drifted away from inhabiting our bodies naturally. This is no one's fault; until now, a clear understanding about proper skeletal alignment has been misunderstood, leaving most of us unaware of our body's true potential for moving and aging with greater ease.

The three women pictured below poignantly illustrate the long-term effects of chronic structural collapse. Unfortunately, the further along in years we become, the more difficult it can be to overcome deeply embedded collapse.

I've written books about this and led countless in-person classes and workshops for almost thirty years. Ultimately, I created a comprehensive online self-study video course that empowers anyone, anywhere, to master not just comfortable sitting, but fundamental daily actions such as standing, walking, bending, lifting, carrying, reaching, and even lying down to rest or sleep.


The secret to all this?

"Put your bones where they belong," the way all healthy toddlers instinctually do.

Your muscles will return to being naturally elastic,

meaning they'll be neither tight nor weak.

You'll be in harmony with Nature's grand design,

meaning you'll be solidly upright and comfortably relaxed.


Now that I’m 78,

I guess you could say I've become a “role model”

for natural alignment.


I'm so blessed to be able to enjoy the benefits of being pain-free, mechanically strong, and still able to move with fluid ease as I approach my 80s.

In other words, in significant ways, I still inhabit my body like a toddler! 

Start Your Pain-Free Journey Today!

I spend countless hours sitting at my desk (and often on the floor), fulfilling my role as an unlikely "spokesperson on behalf of ignored and misunderstood skeletons!" 😂

I know this sounds funny,  but think about it:

When was the last time you heard anyone mention how crucial 
the alignment of your bones is to your overall health and well-being?


Surprisingly, this key aspect of our physical health is almost universally overlooked,
even by medical professionals.

 Yet . . .

Proper alignment isn't just about "good posture;"

it's a cornerstone of overall health and vitality.


It's not hard to imagine the far-reaching effects of skeletal alignment on the health of your entire body over your lifetime when considering the impact of structural distortion on your vital organs, blood vessels, and essential "tubes" and valaves, as illustrated in the graphic below. 


Proper skeletal alignment is a master key that

unlocks your body's full potential.

When your bones are correctly positioned,

they optimize the functioning of all your vital systems:

  • Respiratory efficiency
  • Digestive health
  • Cardiovascular performance
  • Endocrine balance
  • Nervous system function—just for starters. 

Plus, the flow of energy through your body
is disrupted by misalignment
and the muscle tension that results from that. 


All the well-intentioned "energy work" in the world can't override the blockage of Earth's energy that is scrambled by physically disrupted channels. 



My transformation was remarkable.

Within months of learning principles of natural alignment: I experienced a dramatic improvement in my digestion and uncovered the ability to relax deeply while maintaining an upright position, whether sitting or standing.

Like most people, I grew up with the well-intentioned but misguided instruction to "sit up straight" – which translated to lifting my chest up and pulling my shoulders back. This rigid posture was championed as the ideal throughout society – from my mother's reminders and my dance instructor's corrections, to glossy magazine models and my intensive yoga training in the 1980s. No one questioned this conventional wisdom.

This same model of "good" posture persists in mainstream society today. It's characterized by the "S-curve" spine, which is problematic despite being widely accepted as the standard for a "healthy" spine.

For me and countless others, this modern Western approach to posture – with its unnaturally backward-tilted rib cage and head position – created chronic muscle strain throughout the torso and neck. I had become so habituated to this "up + tight" state that it felt normal, until my body could no longer sustain it.

Eventually, this misalignment evolved into chronic pain that threatened my career as a yoga teacher, particularly challenging since I was now managing studios in two locations.


Then came a turning point:


I experienced my body's "middle way,"  — a relaxed state where aligned bones provide effortless support, finally allowing overworked muscles to let go of chronic tension.    

I came upon this when I had the good fortune to be introduced by Jean Couch                         to the groundbreaking work of Noelle Perez of Paris.

This revelation was profound:

When our bones are naturally aligned to support us,

IT'S FINALLY SAFE TO RELAX! — because now, without the tension we thought we needed, we no longer collapse!


Yet another awesome feature!

When your body is in relaxed alignment, your muscles remain elastic and free of tension, creating open pathways for Earth's vital energy to flow freely. This energy – known across cultures as qi, chi, mana, prana, ki and more — is the life force that animates all living things. When muscle tension blocks these energy channels, discomfort and illness can take root. But when the pathways remain clear, this powerful force can energize every cell in your body.

The benefits extend far beyond physical well-being. As this vital energy flows through your aligned body, it awakens something deeper: a profound connection to the natural world, reminding us that we are integral parts of Earth's magnificent design.


You can feel the rhythm of life

moving within yourself

even while you're sitting "still." 



"Wow! This all makes so much sense!"

I hear this a lot when people first grasp these concepts. And it's true, it does make perfect sense that we would have a structural design in keeping with the same rules of Nature that apply to all other animal species and . . .everything else in our world. 

What a giant game-changer it is to learn how to be in charge of how you feel.


  No need to worry that this is hard to learn!

Since you likely taught yourself

how to sit naturally upright as a very young child,

how hard can this be, right?


 And yes, this is a course about sitting,

but it's really about so much more!


YOU'LL BE GUIDED THROUGH A STEP-BY-STEP PROCESS of learning how to align your bones according to our human design.

YOU'LL RE-DISCOVER THE STRONG, YET RELAXED MIDDLE WAY to be found between slouching (sad dog) and tense over-correcting (tense dog). The middle way, with bones arranged in a relationship with each other that evenly distributes forces of gravity, is what well-developing young children discover, all on their own, to be the most reliable way to sit with solidly upright, comfortable ease (happy dogs!).

— YOUR MUSCLES WON'T COMPLAIN ANYMORE now that your bones are doing their assigned job of providing the underlying framework of support. Instead, your muscles will now be relaxed, yet have elasticity.

— YOU'LL BE TAKING A GIANT STEP FORWARD ON THE PATH OF TRANSFORMING YOUR BODY from longstanding habits and patterns of tension, stiffness, pain, disconnection, structural collapse, overcorrection . . . the list goes on.



is a mini-course, meaning its focus is on one main point—

sitting well!

You can go through it as fast

or slowly as you like 

(I recommend going slowly ; )

and you can return to it as many times as you like,

should you want to be reminded.


You'll be amazed how easy — and comfortable — this is!

What to expect as you go through Sitting Pretty

Step 1

Lay the Foundation

When constructing any architectural structure (such as a human body), we always start with the foundation and build from the ground up. The first step is to properly position the pelvis so the spine is supple and free to do what comes naturally—rise upward.

Step 2

Grow the Tree

The spine is the trunk of the tree, the underlying structural framework that supports uprightness and serves as a neural superhighway that communicates efficiently between all parts of your body and your brain.

Step 3

Get Your Head on Straight

With your spine aligned with the vertical axis, your head balances on the topmost vertebra, the atlas. This eliminates unnecessary tension in neck muscles and allows your shoulders to rest freely on top of the rib cage. 

Step 4

10-Second Shortcut

Having gotten to this point, you can now apply these steps more quickly to any sitting situation, wherever you happen to be. You'll first be guided through a 30-second, then 20-seconds, and, finally, you'll master the 10-second shortcut to sitting!



Her work, to me, has been personally transformative.


Kathleen Porter's observation of peoples around the world who retain their natural alignment, relaxation and movement is a clear window into the healing of the chronic pain syndromes of our culture. 

Leah Morton, M.D.

Santa Fe. NM 


After years of studying various kinds of bodywork in order to correct my scoliosis, in these 5 days, I’ve learned profound yet simple, easy to apply tools that have virtually relaxed my spine and posture almost overnight.

If this training was incorporated into public schools and yoga training, our society would discover a whole new comfort and ease with ourselves.

Sarah Smucker

Orville, OH


Kathleen's teaching is revolutionary. She states a case that could change the Western world (and should!)

The way she presents things is very inviting, comprehensive, and she never leaves a stone unturned. She is non-judgmental and answered every question with profound wisdom. Thank you!

Patra Conley

Portland, OR

Transform Your Entire Day with These Exclusive Bonuses!

Your journey to natural alignment doesn't stop at sitting pretty.

I'm thrilled to be including these valuable bonus resources

to help you integrate these life-changing principles into other aspects of your daily life.

Bonus #1

  • The ergonomic details of working at a computer, so that you know how to adapt your environment to you, rather than vice versa. This ensures that sitting is comfortable and effortless, instead of a pain in the back, neck, shoulders, wrists or . . . .

Bonus #2

  • How to sit on the floor to meditate and use pillows or blankets, as needed, to relieve tight hips and help support relaxed uprightness, instead of struggling to find peace in your body/mind. 

Bonus #3

  • How to sit while driving your car, so that driving (or riding as a passenger) is something you enjoy, instead of something you dread.

Bonus #4

  • How to lean back against a backrest, while maintaining the integrity of a naturally elongated spine, instead of slouching when you try to "relax." 

Bonus #5

"Born to Move" Documentary (1 hour): Dive deep into the crucial role of innate neurodevelopmental movements in infants that are essential building blocks in development of a healthy body and brain.

Discover how certain neurodevelopmental movements:

  • Build a thriving nervous system
  • Develop essential core strength for an upright spine
  • Impact motor development and learning.
  • Learn why modern practices might be hindering these vital developmental processes.

Bonus #6

"How to Sit Like a Happy Dog" Video (8 minutes): A fun and engaging animated introduction to natural alignment you can share with the children in your life. This classroom-tested video makes learning about posture enjoyable and accessible for young learners.

Get started today!

Are you ready to let your bones do the job they are intended to do?

Stop straining your muscles

and unlock effortless, pain-free posture.

Sign up for Sitting Pretty today!


You can start Sitting Pretty today for


And you also get all this!

5 Video Tutorials

  • Overview of
    Alignment Principles
  • Pelvis as Foundation
  • Spine as Trunk of Tree
  • Sitting Shortcuts

 6 Bonus Videos

  • Computer Ergonomics
  • Using a backrest
  • Driving or riding in a car
  • Sitting on the floor


  • "Born to Move" Documentary
  • "How" to Sit Like a Happy Dog" (Video for young children)
Buy Now


Your body's design is not random.  

We humans are meant to inhabit our bodies 

with the same natural ease other living creatures do,

each species with its own unique design. 


Don't miss this chance to invest in yourself and your well-being

at this special pre-launch price.

You'll acquire the tools you'll need to know how to sit comfortably and easily

while setting yourself on a path toward remaining pain-free today

and aging well in the years ahead.


Remember . . . and this is super important!

While knowing how to sit with ease is life changing,

being sedentary is never a healthy option!


Let's challenge a prevalent misconception: that we need to "build" strong muscles through targeted exercises to maintain good posture. This belief, while widespread, misses a crucial truth about our bodies.

The key to sustainable physical well-being over a lifetime isn't found in isolated muscle exercises, which are likely to create an unintended imbalance in our musculoskeletal system that frequently leads to problems later. To be clear: "Exercise" provides important benefits that serve cardiovascular health, mood enhancement, and more. The important point here is that exercise needs to reinforce natural movement patterns. Long-enduring well-being is found in understanding and working with our body's natural design.

Look for guidance to our littlest "posture gurus" —toddlers — who demonstrate perfect mechanical alignment without any training. Their secret? They instinctively figure out how to allow their bones to provide structural support while maintaining their muscles' natural elasticity.

At 78, I'm among others who are living proof of this approach's effectiveness. I maintain vitality through natural, joyful movement rather than conventional exercise. Even with considerable sitting time, my understanding of proper skeletal alignment keeps me pain-free and mobile.

Seeing much younger people struggle with pain and limited mobility reminds me how fortunate I was to discover these principles in my late 40s. This motivates me, even as an "old woman," to continue sharing this knowledge.

The most exciting part? You can improve your natural posture situation at any age – it's (almost) never too late to improve how you feel.


~ FAQ ~

Where your questions get answered


Feel free to reach out at [email protected] with any questions you might have

that are not answered here.


I highly recommend this course for everyone.

“I have experienced a number of body work modalities, but in this workshop I learned numerous new and/or better ways to maintain a healthy musculoskeletal system into old age. I highly recommend this course for everyone.”

Ann Ostling

Queens, NY

In spite of a lengthy yoga practice, I was still in pain.

Kathleen seemed to have a new approach, so I signed on. This has been the most valuable workshop I have ever taken, and I hope it will be repeated here at Omega next year. Everything immediately made sense and I have been feeling an enormous release from my chronic pain.

Nancy Cavenaugh

New York, NY

 No surgery! Can you imagine?!

 I am so grateful we were put in the same place so I could benefit from this pain-free way of living. The depth and breadth of this presentation is by far the best I have ever seen. You have mastered the art of communicating the information. Just by the common sense of its architecture, the body becomes the star! 

Mia Flato

Portland, OR


Your body's design is not random.

Nature intended it to be comfortable and pain-free.


  Sitting Pretty

is now available — which means YOU!

Sitting Pretty has recently been launched out into the world! I am super excited to make it available to you!

Sitting Pretty is new and doesn't have any of its own testimonials yet. But it's essentially the first module of my larger signature course, Pain-Free Living with Natural Posture, although somewhat expanded upon. 

Included here is a sampler of reviews of this comprehensive course and classes that speak volumes about the transformative power of this long-overlooked information.

    🌟🌟ADDITIONAL DISCOUNT!! 🌟🌟 Should you decide at any time in the future to enroll in my larger, comprehensive course (which includes how to stand, walk, bend, lift, carry, lie down to rest or sleep like a natural human—and so much more!) you will be discounted the amount you pay today for Sitting Pretty.

Repositioning my bones brings an immediate feeling of relief and relaxation.

Now whenever I notice I'm stressed or in some unpleasant mood state, I check out my alignment. As a shrink, I ask myself if some of the symptoms my patients experience could be caused by the constant muscle tension of living in an unaligned body.

Daniela Gitlin, M.D.

Plattsburg, NY


Taking Kathleen’s Alignment Basics workshop changed my life.

At 67, I was experiencing neck, shoulder, and knee pain that worsened with age and seemed chronic. The pain melted away, along with what felt like a lifetime’s worth of stored tension.  I began performing life’s daily activities—bending, squating, climbing stairs, reading in bed—in total comfort again.  

Martha Raglund

Portland, OR

 The biomechanics of the course, coupled with her passion and grace made this the best!

Excellent! I encourage more courses from her for she inspires easy, wonderful learning.


John Metcalf, Ph.D., M.D.

Pittsburgh, PA

Sit with ease & change your life
— every day — forever!
