How This Works


New information about health and fitness that's as old as the hills!


Understanding Natural Alignment

Nature's Blueprint for Pain-Free Living


Like our vertebrate cousins, humans come into the world with our particular design. Healthy babies and toddlers discover, all on their own, how to inhabit their bodies in ways that move with ease, are structurally strong, and easily flexible. This is a process, begun at the moment of birth, that the young of all vertebrate species go through as they develop and fulfill Nature's plan for them.

Characteristics shared by thriving upright humans are elongated, upright spines, flexible joints, and solid, vertical legs that provide essential support—all seen in the photos above. Those of us who never lose this innate natural alignment—or are lucky enough to re-learn it at some point—typically enjoy comfortably relaxed, pain-free lives.

Natural alignment isn't a technique or a method—it's your birthright as a human being. It's what every healthy baby and toddler discovers when learning to sit, stand, and walk, without any instruction manual.

Just as squirrels instinctively know how to leap from branch to branch, and birds know how to fly, human bodies inherently understand how to organize themselves in harmony with gravity. It's a superpower we humans have as upright creatures of Nature. To avoid crumbling under forces of gravity, our skeletons must be able to distribute forces of gravity through aligned bones that are moved by muscles that are neither tight nor weak, but elastic.


The Science Behind It


At its core, natural alignment follows the same principles that govern architecture and engineering. Your skeleton functions as a structural framework—like the studs in a well-built house—designed to distribute forces efficiently along the vertical axis of gravity.

When your bones align properly:

  • Your muscles remain elastic and free of unnecessary tension
  • Joints maintain their natural space and mobility
  • Your spine elongates naturally without effort
  • Internal organs have proper space to function with optimal efficiency.

Your muscles' primary job isn't to hold you up—it's to move your bones. When your skeleton is misaligned, muscles must compensate, becoming storehouses of tension as they work overtime to stabilize an unstable structure.

What Goes Wrong—and Why?

Structural collapse has become a serious and widespread problem in our society,
causing a long list of problems. 

Modern day adaptations to sitting at desks, in cars, in front of TV’s and computers, have caused many people to sit on a backward tilted, posterior pelvis. This disrupts the angle of the sacral platform, robbing the spine of its ability to support itself in a solid, yet supple, upright position. This has led to an epidemic of spinal collapse and chronic pain.

This understanding has not been lost entirely. It still lives within us; it's just been overridden by modern habits and environments.

What Happens When You Rediscover Natural Alignment

People who reconnect with their natural alignment often experience:

  • Relief from chronic back and joint pain
  • Improved flexibility without stretching
  • Natural strength without excessive muscle building
  • Enhanced focus and mental clarity
  • Increased energy and vitality
  • Greater ease in aging

Students in classrooms become calmer and more attentive when they learn to sit with natural support rather than struggling to "sit up straight" through muscular effort. Adults find they can sit, stand, and move through their day with remarkable ease.

The Living Proof


Look at traditional cultures where people carry heavy loads on their heads with ease, or elders anywhere who maintain fluid mobility into their advanced years. They're not superhumans—they've simply maintained what comes naturally to all of us.


Adults who maintain this natural alignment throughout their lives continue to enjoy these same benefits while being far less likely to injure themselves in the course of daily living.

This has nothing to do with one's body type; such people come in many different sizes and shapes. Yet, they still enjoy better overall health and age with greater ease than many people who exercise and stretch regularly or "build muscle" in ways that, too often, undermine structural integrity rather than reinforce it. 

People who inhabit their bodies in a naturally aligned way—whether they are paddling a canoe, weeding the garden, working out at the gym, cleaning gutters, sitting at a desk, or checking their phone—are not only more likely to be pain-free, but they typically function at a high level of physical activity throughout an entire lifetime.


Observe any healthy, well-developing baby or toddler sitting or standing —

perfectly balanced, spine naturally elongated, completely at ease. These aren't learned skills but expressions of our innate design that healthy well-developing babies and toddlers discover all on their own. It begins with continuous wiggling and squirming on their bellies from the time they are born and continues through a complicated process of trial and error in figuring out how to balance upright.